Salesforce Communities

Does DayBack work in Salesforce Communities?

Yes! You can use DayBack Calendar in the "Salesforce Tabs + Visualforce" template and in the Lightning Community templates as well. (New to Salesforce Communities? Check out this overview.)

DayBack licenses can be allocated to Community Users just as would with your internal users. For Communities, we also recommend setting the DayBack Connected App "Permitted Users" field to "Admin approved users are pre-authorized," and then specifying the Community User profile along with any internal profiles that will be accessing DayBack. This allows your Community Users to bypass the one-time authorization page.

Access to Salesforce data via the community page is determined by the type of Community License the user has, and DayBack respects these restrictions. For example, the standard Customer Community license has just Read-Only access to the standard Salesforce Events, but the Customer Community Plus and Partner Community Licenses have Read-Write access. For more information on the different Community Licenses, please visit this URL

Of course, all Profile, Permissions and Sharing rules apply to the Community User as well.

To add DayBack in the Lightning Community builder, select "Visualforce page" as shown below and drag that into any content area. In the example below, we create a new single-column page and placed it there. 

Anonymous Community Users

Note that Salesforce does not support Canvas applications with an anonymous Communities login; you'd need to be an actual Communities user in order to work with DayBack. An anonymous user could still visit a DayBack public bookmark (a read-only version of a DayBack Calendar), though it's likely you'd need to launch a new page for that VS showing it inside the community page. 

If you need anonymous users to book events in this share, DayBack's custom actions can show forms from within public bookmarks, collecting data that can be sent to Salesforce using web-to-lead, for example. Please get in touch if you'd like to discuss building this kind of booking or reservation system in DayBack.